现为该中心的学术委员会主任,于2017年1月被授予第九届扎耶德未来能源终身成就奖。长期从事能源经济和能源环境理论的研究,先后组织并主持了我国可再生能源法、国家中长期能源规划、国家应对气候变化方案等重要文件的研究和起草工作。Mr. Li Junfeng is the First Director of National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation and he currently serving as the Chairman of academic committee of NCSC. He wins Ninth Annual Zayed Future Energy Prize Lifetime Achievement Award in January of the year 2017. Currently, Mr. Li is also the President of both Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA) and Renewable Energy Professional Committee of China Energy Research Society.