毕业于中国人民银行研究生部,主要研究领域是货币政策和金融改革。多次作为主要撰稿人参与中财办、国办、全国人大、政协等课题研究,参与十一五、十二五规划研究及各个部委等宏观政策和金融政策的研究、讨论,大部分研究成果已转化为现实政策。发表了《国有银行一揽子改革方案》、《中国流动性报告》、《中国汇率报告》、《外汇储备的战略运用》、《中国金融战略:2020》等100多篇专题报告。Daofu Chen, Deputy Director of Finance Division, Develpment Research Center of the State Council. His research involves monetary policy and finance reform and he has participated in research projects assigned by NPC, CPPCC, the Central Finance Office and the General Office of the State Council. Mr. Chen also took part in the research and review on macro economy and finance policy of the 11th-five-year plan and the 12th- five-year plan, most of which are transferred to pragmatic policy. He has published over 100 pieces of professional paper and reports.